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Corinthian War

The Corinthian War was a war of the Greek states (Thebes, Athens, Corinth, Megara, Argos) against the Spartan hegemony. It took place between 395 and 387 BC and the Persians played a major role.

This war forced Sparta to recall King Agesilaus from the Persian front. Agésilaos did not join the battle until 394 BC at Koronea, where a combined force of Thebes and Argos attempted to block the crossing to the Peloponnese. Sparta won this battle thanks to his command, although the king himself was wounded. The fighting itself took place on water and land. On land, Sparta continued to win, but failed to make the most of its victories. At sea, Athens dominated, supported by the Persians. At the Battle of Cnidus, for example, Sparta lost a significant part of its fleet. And so the whole war was rather indecisive.

With the victory at Cnidus, Athenian influence grew, as did that of Thebes. This was not in the interest of the Persians, and Sparta took advantage of this, easily persuading the Persian king Artaxerxes to conclude the so-called "Peace of the Kings" in 387 BC. According to it, the Persian king retained the cities of Asia Minor and Cyprus. Athens was given the islands of Lemnos, Skyros, Imbros and Sparta was entrusted with the function of a sort of overseer of Persian interests in Greece.