Personal details protection + Cookies
For the purposes and functioning of the websites it isn´t necessary to enter any personal details. No databases are used. No newsletters are sent.
Cookie is a small file stored on your computer, which is used for statistics, website´s functions improvement, etc.
Before you can use our website, we must obtain your consent to use cookies. That's why our site has a "Privacy and Cookie Settings" section at the bottom of the page that informs you about the use of cookies, and where you are asked for permission to use cookies. The functioning of the website is not dependent on the use of cookies, but please be aware that some parts of the website may be displayed differently (e.g. paging or displaying hotel listings etc.) if cookies are disabled or if all settings are in their default state.
We don´t use cookies to accumulate personal details of our users. Nevertheless some of the processed informations still can be considered as personal datas. If you would like to limit or disable the cookies on our or any other websites, you can achieve it by changing the settings of your web browser. By clicking on "Help" on your browser you can get more informations about this option. If you would like to know more about deleting cookies from web browser of your mobile phone device, please read the user´s manual.
Another group of cookies represent the cookies of the 3rd party.(e.g. Google Analytics for analysis of the number of visits of a concrete website or service, cookies of advertisers, which are published on our websites, or Google Translate for translating of the websites) These cookies are managed by the 3rd party, we don´t have an access for reading or entering their datas. Informations you can find at the listed companies.
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