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Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta Caretta)

Zakynthos National Marine Park

Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta Caretta)

The Caretta Caretta turtle is an endangered species and can still be seen in the Mediterranean Sea, which is its home. During the breeding season, female common turtles come to the beaches of Laganas Bay to lay their eggs in the sand. The protection of the island's endangered species (not only the water turtles) is handled by the Zakynthos National Marine Park.


The Greek island of Zakynthos impresses especially with its beautiful nature, freshness, variety of plants and animals and turquoise sea. In particular, the island thrives on thermophilic plants, colourful flowers and various herbs. The name 'island of scents' or 'island of flowers' thus rightly belongs to Zakynthos. Rare marine animals, such as the common sea bream and the Mediterranean seal, also live here.


Are you tempted by the idea of packing your bags and changing your surroundings? How about the island of Zakynthos... But what's the weather like there today? And what will it be like in the next few days? Check out the weather forecast for two of Zakynthos' most popular resorts - Laganas and Zante.


Zakynthos, a very popular Greek island in the Ionian Sea, is accessible by two possible routes, by air or by sea. There is an international airport on the island, so the faster and more convenient way is of course by air. But thanks to the several ports, Zakynthos can also be reached by boat without difficulty. Ferries also carry cars and buses.


The Greek island of Zakynthos is a smaller island with a maximum length of 40 km, the driving distances are not long and you can explore Zakynthos at will. You can travel around Zakynthos by various means - public buses, taxis, rented cars or motorbikes, and boats and boats on the sea.

Airport Dionysios Solomos

Dionysios Solomos Airport is the main and only airport on the Greek island of Zakynthos. One of its interesting features is that night departures and arrivals are prohibited (from about 22:00 to 5:00) to protect the endangered Caretta Caretta turtles.
